When I think about who on my Facebook feed is trying to use social media as a platform for social change, my thoughts go to my retired aunts in Florida reposting liberal, anti-Republican, Trump hating posts. I think of my BFF from kindergarten posting about the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge in memory of her dad. I think of my former UCCS Co-Executive partner in student government posting about his role as a regent and changes needed in the education system. These posts do not necessarily bring about change. My aunts are not participating in march or volunteering for the Democratic party. According to Rogers (2016), my kindergarten bestie did help raise money, although at the time the Ice Bucket Challenge received criticism as a slacktivism movement. My former Co-Exec partner is an advocate, he has dedicated his life to creating social change.
This sketch from Saturday Night Live is a humorous portrayal for slacktivism.
Failed popular movements are prevalent on Facebook’s timeline, and the use of empty gestures to show support still earns ridicule. Many of my friends are “Scott.” Show your support for insert random issue by sharing this post posts have been mocked, sharing a post will not create social change without following it up with real action.
Ronny Edry states is his Ted Talk “we can be our own ambassadors.” Edry created a social media movement by creating an Israelis love Iranians graphic that went viral and opened dialogue between citizens of the two countries and the world. Similarly Black Lives Matter points out an issue people face everyday and brings attention to violence and racism against black people.
Social media has the power to create social change, users can get behind environmental changes, share personal stories, and raise funds to support causes. The plastic straw has virtually disappeared overnight due to a social media outcry posting #stopsucking. #MeToo gave a voice to many who were ashamed to share their stories, feeling like they were alone. Social media crowdfunding sites such as go fund me, donors choose, kickstarter let users find projects or issues that are important to them to financially support. How we advocate for change has changed due to and within social media, it is evolving.
Moyer, J. (2017, May 8). Political Activism on Social Media Has Grown Some Teeth. Retrieved from https://psmag.com/social-justice/social-media-activism
Live, S. N. (2017, April 8). Thank You, Scott – SNL. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=168&v=QDydKwmrHFo
Rogers, K. (2016, July 27). The ‘Ice Bucket Challenge’ Helped Scientists Discover a New Gene Tied to A.L.S. Retrieved from https://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/28/health/the-ice-bucket-challenge-helped-scientists-discover-a-new-gene-tied-to-als.html
TED. (2012, December 21). Israel and Iran: A love story? Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=896&v=6Lp-NMaU0r8