Social Media: A Powerful Tool for Social Change

When I think about the power of social media, I am often filled with conflicting thoughts.  Social media has the ability to give voice to those who otherwise would be silent and powerless.  It can provide the platform to bring to light that which otherwise may stay hidden or unknown. But, it also has that power to “bully”, damage, and distort reality.  

After watching the Ted Talk by Ronny Edry, an Isreali graphic designer, and articles about the “Arab Spring” in addition to many other similar articles, I can see how social media can be used to give a voice to the silent masses over the loud but powerful minority.  I love the quote from one protester during the “Arab Spring”, Fawaz Rashed: “We use Facebook to schedule the protests, Twitter to coordinate, and YouTube to tell the world.” According to Rashed, social media was the tool with which voices were finally able to be heard on a large scale.  Edry expressed the same message, social media was a tool to allow a greater number to hear that they were not alone and to unite people in a common statement, in his case, a statement of peace and love for all. To me, these are examples of how social media can be used as a powerful tool to unite people.

I also remember our last presidential election and the subsequent years since.  It does not seem to matter what “side” you choose or who you support, you will be bombarded on social media by people who disagree with you so adamantly that they appear to hate you.  I have never been one to publicize my political thoughts or beliefs on social media, however, it doesn’t seem to matter, all I have to do is follow the feeds of my “friends” to see each side spew hate back and forth.  

There are countless examples of how social media has taken on the “mob” mentality and mercilessly attacked individuals for perceived acts of injustice.  Whether the acts are ever proven, social media gives the masses relatively anonymous power to act out digitally in a way that they would not dream of acting in person.  People’s reputations can be ruined on a global level based on a misunderstood or misrepresented post or action.  

Ultimately, what it all comes down to is simple. Social media is a tool.  This tool can unite millions, giving voice those who were once silenced, such as the “Me Too Movement.”  Or it can be used to falsely imprison those who speak out against injustice as the Egyptian government has in the past.  It is as strong or as dangerous a tool as those who use it. I think knowledge is still key. Before we jump on the bandwagon in favor of or against a company or cause on social media, it is important to be informed.  When properly informed social media can allow the world to become a smaller more comforting place to live where we can feel like, when needed, we have a voice that can be heard and make a change for the better. A place where we can realize that we are not alone.