Social media is more than just a platform to post endless selfies and pictures of your dog sleeping. Social media has quickly become a platform for individuals and groups to post their platforms on local, national and global causes.
As the urge for “cutting the cord” where individuals are no longer subscribing to a cable network continues to grow, the use of social media to provide our news is getting bigger and bigger. Many millennials get their news from social media platforms such as facebook, twitter and buzzfeed. Our own president is a big contributor to Twitter and many follow his tweets to stay up to date.
This use of social media for news opens an avenue to use social media for social causes such as fundraising and educating on a cause or need. Sites like “The Mighty” aim to shed light on mental illness and provide helpful tips for those who struggle with mental illness and those who may have a loved one that is affected by mental illness.
A cause I follow is the Red for Ed campaign where teachers come together to rally for better pay and respect. I feel supported by teacher everywhere and feel a source of comradery thanks to social media. Teacher from across the nation are sharing their thoughts on education and their trials and tribulations.